Materials List for Courtney Martin's Demonstration

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Are there books you would suggest students read before taking this online demonstration?

“Mastering Hand Building: Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Slabs, Coils, and More” by Sunshine Cobb. Not necessary, but it's a great book.

What is the range of techniques you intend to cover?

We will cover basic handbuilding techniques, and expand into discussion of honing those skills.                          

Is there any additional information that could be useful to students before enrolling?

Having a large dedicated work table is important. Using a table that is sturdy and stable is key!  We will do some pounding of slabs on the table.

Below is a list of what students will need for the demonstration:

Clay, 25 lbs.

Any clay will work, but wetter clay is easier to use. 

I like STARworks clay:

Rolling Pin, a bigger heavier one is better, but any will do.

2 Square Dowels, 3/8" thick, 16” length, available at most hardware stores

1-2 Round Yellow Sponges, found at any clay supply

Banding Wheel, I like Shimpo best, but as long as it's sturdy, any will work.

Wire Tool, found at any clay supply

Pin/Needle Tool, found at any clay supply

Serrated Rib, found at any clay supply but here is an example:

Mud Tools Ribs

Sturdy Table to work on

Paint Brush, a round soft one maybe 3/4" diameter

A few Ware Boards, I use very smooth plywood to make my ware boards. Having a variety of sizes is helpful, have them big enough to accommodate your pots.

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An Apron if you feel comfortable, wear one!

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